Post Motorcycle Accident Knee Rehab

So, my patient the other day was left with extreme difficulty performing basic movements that were severely limiting his ability to jump, land, cut and run. He particularly enjoyed these activities, but after years of being safe following a bike accident, he was left fearful of these basic movements.

Fun fact: Pain is registered as fear in the brain. If you fear something (like landing from a 6” jump) you will likely have the fear of or actual shooting pain with these simple drills.


Well, my momma always told me to face my fear straight up. And she was right! In order to reintroduce these activities, it is important to grade the exposure to the end skill very very slowly.

You want to do a box jump as smooth and flawless as a basketball player? Well let’s START with landing from a 4” box.

Yea, seems tedious right? Well too bad! That is how it HAS to be! So many people try to just return to their old form after something traumatic and it ends in goal failing DISASTER.

You can see all the little muscles and brain parts firing here on the landing. His ankles wiggle, knees shake, hips shift. This is motor programming in action.

Not only do the motor programs and stretch reflexes need to be slowly massaged back to landing and returning to a jump IMMEDIATELY, but you also need the mental fortitude to carry out the task without looking like and having the confidence of Bambi.

After years of issues this particular patient was able to slightly increase his tolerance for landing and jumping again within a few days. It was just the start, but at least it was A start.

Unable to enjoy the your favorite hobbies because of nagging pain? Message us directly so we can find some solutions for you! Call us and leave a message so you can get back to being the best version of yourself!