Replaced Knee? Try The Weighted Knee Extension Stretch

Imagine you are a post knee surgery or knee pain patient lacking full extension in you knee. The year is 1975 and you are recovering from a severe disco related accident and went to the best physio on the block.

You are evaluated and told to lay face down on the table with your knee hanging off of the table. The PT (Physical Torturer) would then place an ankle weight 10+ pounds or more on the ankle and wait.

Alternatively, if the knee didn't straighten quick enough, the PT would even sit on their patient's ankle and wait to hear a loud crunching noise, which typically signified the total rupture of the new knee joint and surrounding fascial restraints.

Just kidding. This is not what really happens. Here is what to do if you have a good to go knee following injury or surgery and you are still lacking extension:

1. Prop ankle up
2. Put tolerable weight on lower thing (but not on incision)
3. Hold (No more than you can tolerate at first)
4. Repeat..

BOOM! Easy way to elongate the posterior tissues of the knee after a replacement. Things can be very tight, so it is wise to take it east and try not to bash too much of this exercise in a short window. Always keep the pain induced from this passive exercise below a 5/10 at first and slowly build up with increased time and weight as tolerated. Marathon, not a race...

Click HERE to watch the video and see the original post!

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