Bulletproof Your Shoulders

Ok, picture this:

You, all of the sudden, developed shoulder pain and it is very annoying. It is so annoying that you do that stupid windmill stretch thing before any upper body work to relieve it.

You know stretch, the one that looks like you’re a washed up relief pitcher coming into pitch the last few garbage innings of his career.

This isn't normal...​

You see, ​one of the primary areas of weakness in many high shoulder injury risk shoulder tends to be external rotation. Testing this motion’s strength is a valuable asset in determining if there is atrophy or irritation of the infraspinatus or teres minor. These are the main muscles of this motion and are highly correlated to shoulder socket positioning and overall likelihood of upcoming or current shoulder pain.

Assuming these motions are in fact, weak, strengthening external rotation is a great shotgun style prehab technique that anyone can use to ensure a balanced shoulder joint that is ready for heavy pushing. Many people could benefit from no monies, standing abducted external rotation, face pulls, D2 Flexion at the cable machine and more!​

There are so many things this COULD be. In fact, you are best off seeing a PT initially to get a physical exam and see exactly what could be happening.

If you don't have time for that I would consider utilizing these two bad boys, with PERFECT FORM and very manageable weight. ​​I’m talking the kind of weight that you can properly control the movement throughout the entire range of motion.

If you are able to pepper these two in throughout a shoulder day, potentially replacing your second round of heavy overhead pressing, it would be a beneficial adjunct to the old man shoulder circles you were planning on doing. Give them a try today!

Do you think that you could have shoulder problems as a result of weak external rotation? If so message me (Text: 305-902-6644) and we can get to the bottom of it today.