Recycled Instagram Post of the Day: Prone Reaches for Scapular Control

We all love to recycle, right? Well today we are conserving by reusing a dusty old Instagram post that I figured many of you may enjoy being unearthed! This one in particular addresses how a simple neuromuscular control based movement could be a useful add-on for your shoulder health maintenance game in the gym!

Don’t Sweat the Simple Stuff!

With emphasis on increased loading and compound exercises to increase physical capacity and overall strength and tissue load tolerance, we have forgotten the art of the simple stuff 😱

For example. The exercise in the above video: on his belly doing simple reaches. This cannot POSSIBLY be doing anything in terms of shoulder health, right?..

Well some things this positions is providing:

Load: Bodyweight. Think of the opposite arm accepting the weight transfer when reaching and all of the novel stimuli you’d be providing that shoulder complex.

Function: Reaching, single arm support, crawling. These are all basic and can be placed along the more “functional” side of the continuum (if that is a continuum you like to use in the first place. I respect if you have left that continuum out to dry since anything that looks like a malfunctioning GTA character is immediately considered a functional movement pattern).

Neuromuscular Control: Focus is on maintaining scapulas from drifting off ribcage and posture. Thus maintaining a solid thoracic spine position that isn’t overextended (a common error) or too rounded.

That’s IT:

There you have it. Short, simple and sweet. AND we conserved valuable web-tree destruction by recycling an old Instagram post of mine you may have never seen before!