Pretzel Stretch For Maximal Flexibility

The pretzel stretch is one of my favorite exercises for clients who come to me complaining of a stiff low back.

Back pain is a very dynamic situation but something that I have noticed as a practitioner is that many people suffering from low back pain demonstrate a positive Thomas Test (tight hip flexors) as well as deficits in thoracic and lumbar spine mobility.

This combination of both spinal rotation, side bending as well as offsetting hip extension/flexion helps lock the pelvis in one position and allows for a nice anchor point for the stretch to take hold. The stretch can continue on through the back to the thoracic spine region as well, an oft forgotten region.

Try this exercise by dropping the upper back into the table by pushing with the opposite arm into the flexed thigh. This creates leverage that you can utilize to intensify the rotational component in the t-spine. Baseball players, Crossfitters with mobility issues, Frisbee enthusiasts: GET IN HERE!

Unable to enjoy the your favorite hobbies because of nagging pain? Message me directly (305-902-6644) so we can find some solutions for you!