YouTube Shorts: Building Complete Triceps - Using Multiple Angles to Improve All Head Development

The Triceps

the muscle group responsible for sculpting those horseshoe-shaped bad boys behind your arm, isn't as monolithic as many believe. This three-headed powerhouse deserves more than just one-size-fits-all exercises. Enter: the magic of elbow positioning…

Most bodybuilders and weekend warriors alike default to elbow-nexxt-to-your-head exercises, unwittingly neglecting the triceps' full potential. This primarily engages the long head, leaving the medial and lateral heads underworked. But fear not, tricep freaks! By strategically shifting your elbows, you can unlock a secret weapon for larger and well rounded arms.


Watch my informative YouTube Video on the matter here on YouTube

First, let's break down the triceps trio:

Long Head: Originates near your shoulder blade and loves close-elbow exercises like skull crushers.

Medial Head: Lies deeper beneath the long head and thrives with exercises where your elbows stay tucked close to your sides, like dips or overhead tricep extensions.

Lateral Head: Nestled on the outside of your upper arm, it craves movements like cable rope extensions where your elbows extend outward from your body.

Now, the fun part: manipulating elbow position to hit each head with laser precision. Think of it as a tricep symphony, each exercise playing a distinct note contributing to the overall muscle masterpiece.

For the Long Head: Remember, lengthening the triceps is key so adding variety with exercises like lying tricep extensions where your arms are extended behind your head. Also, consider any tricep extension in upright posture where you are extending a dumbbell or barbell overhead. Both of these movements stretch the long head, maximizing its activation.

For the Medial Head and Lateral Head: Keep those elbows tucked. Dips, close-grip bench presses and cable rope extensions going from your chest to the floor are great variations to incorporate

Remember, variety is key! Don't get stuck in the same elbow positioning rut like everyone else. Be different. Be BOLD. Challenge yourself with different angles, grips, and equipment. And for a visual feast, check out my YouTube video (link here) where I break down these concepts in action.

So, there you have it! By mastering the art of elbow positioning, you'll unlock the full potential of your triceps, sculpting lean, powerful arms that are the envy of the gym. Go forth, experiment, and watch your horseshoe of greatness take shape!