Mobilize Your Pelvis and Reduce Back Pain with This Pelvic Mobilizer

Conquer Your Stiff Back

Struggling to activate your glutes and feeling the crunch in your low back on leg day? Well, say hello to your new best friend - the quadruped pelvic clock! This simple yet powerful exercise will loosen up your lumbopelvic hip complex, unleash your inner glute warrior, and have you hitting new squat PRs in no time.

Here's the drill:
(watch the video here for the more entertaining explaination)

1. Channel your inner beast: Get down on all fours, placing one knee on a box or stable platform for added elevation. Imagine yourself as a panther ready to pounce (lol), core engaged and spine neutral.

2. Drop the pelvis: Drop the non-elevated knee towards the floor, gently rotating your pelvis as you go. Think of it as drawing a small half-circle with your hip bone - smooth and controlled.

3. Feel the glute burn (the good kind. Not after Golden Corral spicy tacos): As you lift your knee back up, repeat the pelvic rotation in the opposite direction. Now, focus on the leg resting on the platform - you should feel your glutes firing up like tiny internal engines.

4. Repeat and rejoice: Aim for 10-15 reps per side, feeling the lumbopelvic hip complex loosen up with each movement. Bonus points if you can imagine your glutes radiating sunshine with each rotation!

Why this move is magic: The quadruped pelvic clock targets the often-neglected deep gluteal muscles, those hidden heroes that stabilize your pelvis and lower back. By isolating and activating them, you'll improve hip mobility, reduce stiffness, and unlock your core's full potential.

Bonus benefits:

  • An Awesome Warm-up: This exercise is a fantastic pre-workout ritual for those lower body routines, prepping your muscles for deeper squats, lunges, and deadlifts.

  • Pain relief: If your lumbopelvic hip complex feels like it is locked up, the pelvic clock can be your key to unlocking tightness and reducing lower back pain as the movement essentially limbers up your lumbo-pelvic-hip complex throughout.

Ready to ditch the stiff back and say hello to glute glory? Give the quadruped pelvic clock a try! And for a visual guide to mastering this movement, check out my video (link here). Remember, I'm always here to help you unlock your full fitness potential, one pelvic tilt at a time!

Safety note: Remember, these exercises are for informational purposes only. Always consult a healthcare professional (me: 305-902-6644) before starting any new exercise program!