Anchor Them Pelvic Gains with Claudia Sam Pedro

Many people with diffuse or point pain on their low back can relate to an over arched back, tight feeling anterior hips and in this case, even a feeling that one or both sides of their pelvis are misaligned.

Lately, it has become common knowledge within the physical therapy realm that the term "misalignment" is a misnomer. Pelvises are rarely misaligned as much as they feel like they're misaligned. That doesn't mean that the exercises to correct them are not effective though

In this particular case Claudia presented with a chronically overarched low back and simultaneous complaints of misalignment in her pelvis. After doing some counter rotation movements using her own muscle energy, she actually noticed a significant feeling of "realignment" in her pelvis.

Once again, upon pre- and post- testing, nothing happened specifically within her pelvic region to actually shift anything meaningfully to point to a shift in her bony alignment making the difference.

The exercise featured here is super effective because it allowed her to anchor some of her newfound sensation of alignment with a basic breathing-deep core activation.

Have back pain yourself? Feel misaligned? Try this yourself, TODAY!