
Testimonial Tuesday: Bareknuckle Fighter Recovery

Testimonial Tuesday: Bareknuckle Fighter Recovery

Will came into the clinic following a freak accident where his roof fell on him and as a way to recover from fight training. Over the course of months I had the privilege of working with Will to restore upper body mobility and tissue elasticity. He ended up winning fights and gaining a ton of range of motion in the process. To this day, he continues to show great strides and trains very hard regularly.

Deep Squats On The Job - Make Work Productive For Your Stiff Body

Deep Squats On The Job - Make Work Productive For Your Stiff Body

Feeling stiff and achy after hours glued to the chair?

You're not alone. Desk life can leave us feeling like rusty robots, and gym sessions become uphill battles. But fret not, fellow desk warrior, for the solution lies in a simple, effective movement: the deep squat.

Think of it as your antidote to stagnation. This mighty leg hugger isn't just about building quads (although it does that well); it's about rewiring your body for effortless movement. Forget fancy equipment or lengthy stretches – all you need is your floor space and a willingness to explore your inner flexibility.