Warm Up Your Frozen Shoulder

Warm Up Your Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder sometimes takes its own course (1-3 years sometimes). If gone untreated and unmanaged can lead to long-term or permanent Shoulder restriction. It is important to get your frozen shoulder checked out as soon as possible and to continue a program that increases its range of movement before things get too sticky!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Testimonial Tuesday: Bareknuckle Superstar Britain Hart

Testimonial Tuesday: Bareknuckle Superstar Britain Hart

Britain Hart is a bare knuckle fighter with years of experience. She has been punched all over the ring with and without gloves and she has punch people herself, usually coming out on top. Unfortunately, before one of her fights, she developed severe neck pain that travel down both of her hands and arms, and needed emergency attention over the week prior to the fight. She would have missed her fight if it weren’t for her coming to PhysioLogix and getting that taken care of just in time!

Unlocking the Secrets of Lumbar Discs (And Jelly Donut Fear Mongering)

Unlocking the Secrets of Lumbar Discs (And Jelly Donut Fear Mongering)

Did you know that between each and every one of your vertebrae there are donuts? These donuts are more anatomically referred to as the intervertebral discs. Each one of these discs provide mobility, support, stability and shock absorption to the spinal column. The combination of these properties allow us to perform tasks that require great amounts of mobility like bending and twisting, but also tasks that involve tons of compressive force like squatting and lifting.

Testimonial Tuesday: Bareknuckle Fighter Recovery

Testimonial Tuesday: Bareknuckle Fighter Recovery

Will came into the clinic following a freak accident where his roof fell on him and as a way to recover from fight training. Over the course of months I had the privilege of working with Will to restore upper body mobility and tissue elasticity. He ended up winning fights and gaining a ton of range of motion in the process. To this day, he continues to show great strides and trains very hard regularly.

Posture FIXER: Ys, Ts, and Ws

Posture FIXER: Ys, Ts, and Ws

Many bodybuilders and physique athletes inside of our gym present with rounded forward shoulders. This is just not an aesthetic concept but rather a position that potentially puts athletes who lift heavily and compromised positions.

Testimonial Tuesday: Domingos's Story

Testimonial Tuesday: Domingos's Story

Domingos was involved in a head-on collision in a car accident a couple of years before I treated him. He developed tinnitus and severe shoulder neck and low back pain. It was so bad that he seemed to have delve into a deep depression, and received plenty of medical care, including shots, and the potential for surgery at some point. His lawyer found a great PT clinic, us, and after coming consistently over the course of a couple of months, he reported feeling night and day different! His self-esteem improved, and he smiled more. He found our clinic extremely professional, and always shared kind words with us! we miss you!

Fun Hamstring Exercises for Chronic Pain

Fun Hamstring Exercises for Chronic Pain

Progressing him to tolerance, monitoring his pain levels and moving from isometrics and easy eccentrics to more aggressive and challenging exercises were key in getting the healing process started.

Low Back Feeling Tight? Release it!

Low Back Feeling Tight? Release it!

Do you have pain or stiffness in your low back? Is it keeping you from achieving your PRs or even posing correctly for your show?

Why Do My Joints Crack?

Why Do My Joints Crack?

The question is as old as time itself: Why do my knees crack and pop? Ever since man has first squatted down to make a fire or defecate (see my last blog post to learn more), he has heard these noises and wondered what the heck those snaps and crackles were! Well, there are a few possibilities of what you COULD be hearing in your knees or [insert any joint you have heard] are making sounds and unless you are having a unique amount of excruciating pain and can weight-bear easily with no functional deficits, there is a good chance you are experiencing one of the below phenomenon. Check it out below!

Deep Squats On The Job - Make Work Productive For Your Stiff Body

Deep Squats On The Job - Make Work Productive For Your Stiff Body

Feeling stiff and achy after hours glued to the chair?

You're not alone. Desk life can leave us feeling like rusty robots, and gym sessions become uphill battles. But fret not, fellow desk warrior, for the solution lies in a simple, effective movement: the deep squat.

Think of it as your antidote to stagnation. This mighty leg hugger isn't just about building quads (although it does that well); it's about rewiring your body for effortless movement. Forget fancy equipment or lengthy stretches – all you need is your floor space and a willingness to explore your inner flexibility.

Testimonial Tuesday: Lema

Testimonial Tuesday: Lema

Lema is a patient that comes in when she has emergency situations. Every time I treat her she says I have magic hands. I can promise you I do not, but I appreciate the kind words regardless. Check out her bubbly personality and positive words below!

Lumbar Disc Herniations and Donuts: The Beautiful Connection (**UPDATE**): Written as a student. I no longer would like to perpetuate the jelly donut theory!!

Lumbar Disc Herniations and Donuts: The Beautiful Connection (**UPDATE**): Written as a student. I no longer would like to perpetuate the jelly donut theory!!

Did you know that between each and every one of your vertebrae there are donuts? These donuts are more anatomically referred to as the intervertebral discs. Each one of these discs provide mobility, support, stability and shock absorption to the spinal column. The combination of these properties allow us to perform tasks that require great amounts of mobility like bending and twisting, but also tasks that involve tons of compressive force like squatting and lifting.

Graded Exposure and Movement Sensitivity

Graded Exposure and Movement Sensitivity

Why the sudden change? He started easy and grooved a pattern. His brain understood that the movement being performed was not a threat and downgraded the pain or fear response. I’m this particular case, pain was his brain’s fear to novel or previously avoided movement.

Pretzel Stretch For Maximal Flexibility

Pretzel Stretch For Maximal Flexibility

This combination of both spinal rotation, side bending as well as offsetting hip extension/flexion helps lock the pelvis in one position and allows for a nice anchoring point for the stretch to take hold headed up the back to the thoracic vertebrae, an oft forgotten region.

Hip extension VS Back extension

Hip extension VS Back extension

With these cues, he was able to properly activate his glutes and begin the process of decreasing the reliance on the lumbar erectors in squatting and deadlifting!

Weak or tight knee? Challenge it!

Weak or tight knee? Challenge it!

A lot of the times my patients want to take it easy on the count of their knees or joints being a bit “inflamed,” weak or tight. There are a myriad of reason you may have a knee that feels this way and I would highly suggest that you see a qualified physical therapist before making any sudden decisions regarding that knee.

Before I move on though and in relation to the point above, there is one thing most people forget:

We are meant to move.