IT’S a DAMN SHAME! I say,… The Cat-Cow is a wonderful exercise that I give many of patients with “stiff” or “stuck” low back pain because of the awesome light they shed on what is really restricted in their movement pattern. It exposes which angles are flaring up their pain sensitivities in the low back with a simple animal themed movement! Watch below…
Inspiration Alert: Check out My Interview VoyageMIA!
Machines You Should Try: Glute-Ham Developer
This machine is a Godsend, for real. The horizontal positioning of the glute-ham developer (GHD) provides a greater moment arm (or bigger LEVER) of the torso on the hips when in full extension as compared to the more often seen 45 degree back extension. This basically means that at the top of the lift, with the greatest contraction, you are at the greatest mechanical DISadvantage being completely perpendicular to the line of gravity. This gives you the hardest possible workout for your glutes that you can ask for.