glute activation

Diaper Booty: A CrossFitter Case Study into Glute Firing

Diaper Booty: A CrossFitter Case Study into Glute Firing

Welcome to another installment of Recycled Instagram Posts. After all, these would probably go unnoticed if I didn’t shove them in your face again, like a dog being scolded for for going pee on the carpet. Enjoy this video and subsequent commentary on glute activation, timing and how you can improve your strength or decrease that low back ache/tiredness you get with hip extension tasks like we see in the gym!

Machines You Should Try: Glute-Ham Developer

Machines You Should Try: Glute-Ham Developer

This machine is a Godsend, for real. The horizontal positioning of the glute-ham developer (GHD) provides a greater moment arm (or bigger LEVER) of the torso on the hips when in full extension as compared to the more often seen 45 degree back extension. This basically means that at the top of the lift, with the greatest contraction, you are at the greatest mechanical DISadvantage being completely perpendicular to the line of gravity. This gives you the hardest possible workout for your glutes that you can ask for.