Stick A Fork In It: Why Self Myofascial Release May Not Be Enough and How the Fitness Industry Lies to You

Stick A Fork In It: Why Self Myofascial Release May Not Be Enough and How the Fitness Industry Lies to You

Everyone on Youtube and their blog wants to give you the cure all. And you can't really blame them either. I mean, what actually sells nowadays? Is it sexy or cool to tell people that a chronic issue may take a multifaceted solution that may incorporate simple and seemingly minor tweaks, eventually progressing onto more complex ones? Solutions that may take months to finally correct?... NAHHHH. It is easier to sell the SOLUTION itself! And that is why self myofascial release or glorified soft tissue massage techniques are so prevalent as the be-all-end-all technique to achieving muscle and joint pain nirvana.

Florida, Get Your In-Home Assessment Today

Florida, Get Your In-Home Assessment Today

Feeling achy, wobbly on your feet, or battling persistent back pain? Forget the traffic-filled trek to the clinic - PhysioLogix brings top-notch physical therapy straight to your living room! No more battling rush hour madness or waiting in crowded lobbies. You deserve treatment in the comfort of your own home, and that's exactly what we offer.

“Don't Bend Over”

“Don't Bend Over”

I know this because it’s common sense. It doesn’t matter what the meta-analyses say: because the discs are made of squishy stuff that has to mean that if you ever bend with weight in your hands or squat down in your back at all you’re destined to have permanent low back pain.

Ditch the Drive, Rediscover Freedom: In-Home Physical Therapy is Here

Ditch the Drive, Rediscover Freedom: In-Home Physical Therapy is Here

Physical Therapy has gone mobile! Introducing PhysioLogix, bringing high-quality care straight to your doorstep, no matter where you are in Florida.

Imagine regaining strength and mobility without leaving the comfort of your own home. Our dedicated therapists tailor treatment plans to your specific needs and environment, empowering you to reach your goals, whether it's managing pain, recovering from injury, or simply staying active.

Recycled Instagram Post of the Day: Prone Reaches for Scapular Control

Recycled Instagram Post of the Day: Prone Reaches for Scapular Control

We all love to recycle, right? Well today we are conserving by reusing a dusty old Instagram post that I figured many of you may enjoy being unearthed! This one in particular addresses how a simple neuromuscular control based movement could be a useful add-on for your shoulder health maintenance game in the gym!

Throwback - GLUTE SERIES: Quadruped Hip Extensions

Throwback - GLUTE SERIES: Quadruped Hip Extensions

Low back pain on lower body days? Try adding this into your glute/leg day routine! The quadruped position lights up the core and keeps your pelvis from overextending during the working leg hip extension! This can help with lumbopelvic dissociation, something that typically improves outcomes for low back pain, ESPECIALLY in those who lift heavy sh!t

Mobilize Your Pelvis and Reduce Back Pain with This Pelvic Mobilizer

Mobilize Your Pelvis and Reduce Back Pain with This Pelvic Mobilizer

Struggling to activate your glutes and feeling the crunch in your low back on leg day? Well, say hello to my little friend (you know the voice I used here) - the quadruped pelvic clock. This simple yet powerful exercise will loosen up your lumbopelvic hip complex, unleash your inner glute warrior, and have you hitting new squat PRs in no time.

Anchor Them Pelvic Gains with Claudia Sam Pedro

Anchor Them Pelvic Gains with Claudia Sam Pedro

This exercise is super effective because it allowed her to anchor some of her newfound sensation of alignment with a basic breathing-deep core activation-movement progression.

Dowager’s Hump

Dowager’s Hump

The cervico-thoracic junction is where the top of the thoracic spine (T1) and the bottom of the cervical spine (C7) come into contact with one another. This articulation point contains both of the previously mentioned vertebrae’s large spinous processes that jut out. With years of “poor” posture, sometimes people will develop fatty and tissue deposits in the region as a way to counteract the forces of a forward head creating that unsightly camel hump that many will try to get rid of via invasive surgery or injection.