Testimonial Tuesdays: Yadila's Neck Pain

Testimonial Tuesdays: Yadila's Neck Pain

Yadila came in with a quick burst of neck pain that was unrelenting. Being the manager of a boxing gym, she needed to be able to move around to assist in the clean up, intake and other duties associated with running a 200+ member club. After a only a few brief contacts, Yadila recovered greatly. She started in agony and finished like sshe never had an issue at all. It was a pleasure working with her from day one and I hope she continues her incredible progress.

What’s the Best Way to Mobilize Your Post-surgical Scars?

What’s the Best Way to Mobilize Your Post-surgical Scars?

…both of these techniques are effective ways to mobilize skin tissue surrounding a “sticky” or adhered scar. Invoking them early and often (as long as your wound is closed in the areas you are treating) can help aid in range of motion and decreased appearance of these fugly incision marks!

Will Lifting Weights Make Women Look Masculine?

Will Lifting Weights Make Women Look Masculine?

Women are capable of performing any fitness routine a man can do. That’s obvious. But, sometimes personal trainers and fitness media outlets like to frame females as if they are incapable of doing, or should not be doing, the same types of exercises a man should. Now, I understand that women and men, on the whole, tend to have different goals, but I don’t think it’s really necessary to completely overhaul the tenants of what effective training is to achieve these goals. 

Pain in the Front of Your Shoulder RIGHT THERE? Try this!

Pain in the Front of Your Shoulder RIGHT THERE? Try this!

Think of the rotator cuff as the dynamic core of your shoulder, providing intricate control and movement. But just like a strong core relies on balanced supporting muscles, the rotator cuff needs its own "wingman." Enter the serratus anterior, often dubbed the "forgotten muscle" of the shoulder.

Prolonged Rounded Spine (Desk Work Posture) CORRECTOR 🙆🏽‍♂️

Prolonged Rounded Spine (Desk Work Posture) CORRECTOR 🙆🏽‍♂️

Try these prone exercises during your lunch break, or even every couple of hours of continued desk work, 🙇🏽‍♂️ in order to reverse that painful and leverage annihilating posture you can develop with your desk job!

Incline Curls: Using Angles to Bias Different Heads of Your Biceps (YouTube Video)

Incline Curls: Using Angles to Bias Different Heads of Your Biceps (YouTube Video)

Neglecting the long head is a common pitfall. The long head of your bicep is a huge stabilizer of the shoulder joint in general (see photo below to check out how it is right up in there with the rotator cuff tendons). This can lead to shoulder imbalances and potential injuries. By incorporating different arm positions, you ensure both heads contribute equally, promoting well-rounded bicep development and shoulder stability.

What is a Stinger? NFL Injury Breakdown

What is a Stinger? NFL Injury Breakdown

Playing linebacker in high school and a little bit in college, these were common occurrences. Stuffing a running back in the hole (something I did much more in high school 😄) or getting your arm caught up and a scrum would often lead to burning, tingling or even a dead arm.



It’s great for when people have restrictions across planes of movement: A lot of people benefit from cupping because the therapist can place them across an area of restriction and have the patient do active and passive movements which can free up some of the areas of perceived tightness across tissue planes that wouldn’t typically have that otherwise⠀⠀

Physio Explains: How to Properly Do the Cable Crunch

Cable Crunch: Don't Cheat Your Way to a Six-Pack, Bro

Dr. Rob's back, and today we're debunking your sh*%%^ form with a relatively common core exercise, the cable crunch. Cable crunches are an awesome way to sculpt your six-pack, but many folks fall into the trap of using momentum and hip flexors instead of firing up their abs. Let's break it down and make those crunches count!

Think About What You’re Actually Trying to Do

The cable crunch targets the rectus abdominis, the ONLY muscle behind that coveted six-pack. It works through an isotonic contraction, meaning the muscle lengthens and shortens as you pull the weight down. In, other words, no, your planks aren’t going to make the big difference here. The muscles want to work like any other that you train!

But here's the catch: people often rely too much on their hip flexors, those strong muscles connecting your upper thigh to your pelvis. They crank their torso down with minimal midsection movement, turning the exercise into a leg-powered pull.

Watch my video here before you read below to learn the technique

Ok, Let’s Discuss Form

Ditch the hip swing and anchor your upper body. Imagine locking your torso in a vice from the bottom of the sternum through your arms and neck, keeping the rope in your hands pressed against the top of your head like youre holding a charades card against your head. Now, focus on pulling your sternum (that's the bottom of your chest) towards your pelvis, initiating the crunch from your midsection, not your hips. This simple shift puts the spotlight on your rectus abdominis, maximizing muscle activation and building that six-pack definition.

Bonus Tip:

Master the Mind-Muscle Connection: Don't just let the weight pull you back up. As you slowly "un-crunch," actively feel your abdominal muscles stretch and lengthen. Imagine extending your stomach out towards the weight stack, resisting its pull until you reach the starting position. This slow, controlled return amplifies the muscle engagement and adds an extra burn to your workout.

FORM Over Everything…

Remember, perfect form trumps heavy weights every time. So ditch the momentum, embrace the controlled crunch, and let your mind-muscle connection be your guide. Your abs will thank you for it!

See you next time for more exercise breakdowns and valuable tips. Dr. Rob, always here to help you conquer your fitness goals!

Replaced Knee? Try The Weighted Knee Extension Stretch

Replaced Knee? Try The Weighted Knee Extension Stretch

BOOM! Easy way to elongate the posterior tissues of the knee after a replacement or injury. Things can be very tight, so it is wise to take it east and try not to bash too much of this exercise in a short window. Always keep the pain induced from this passive exercise below a 5/10 at first and slowly build up with increased time and weight as tolerated. Marathon, not a race...

Diaper Booty: A CrossFitter Case Study into Glute Firing

Diaper Booty: A CrossFitter Case Study into Glute Firing

Welcome to another installment of Recycled Instagram Posts. After all, these would probably go unnoticed if I didn’t shove them in your face again, like a dog being scolded for for going pee on the carpet. Enjoy this video and subsequent commentary on glute activation, timing and how you can improve your strength or decrease that low back ache/tiredness you get with hip extension tasks like we see in the gym!

Your Weak Core May NOT be The Reason Your Back Hurts: Try This Instead

Your Weak Core May NOT be The Reason Your Back Hurts: Try This Instead

Don't ditch core work entirely, though. A strong core acts like a support team, working alongside your back muscles for optimal spinal stability. But the next time low back pain strikes, remember: forget endless crunches, embrace back-building exercises, and give your lumbar spine the love it deserves!

Don't Fear The Push-up: Part 1

Don't Fear The Push-up: Part 1

"Damn I look good in a mirror. I’m definitely somewhere around 10-14% BF right now, but my chest is pretty damn big. And I know why it is. I do mad bench, like I'm hitting that flat bench, chest press, incline chest press and uh... oh, decline bench press. Like I’m hittin chest 2x/week but Im hitting it hard. Bench press, decline bench, incline bench, dumbbell flies. Yes it is nice to put up big numbers. Tuck those shoulders down and in, arch your back and puff out your chest. Get like 3 reps and feel those shredded meat slabs you call a chest burn baby burn."

FUN-ctional & Resourceful Tennis Elbow Strengthener

FUN-ctional & Resourceful Tennis Elbow Strengthener

At @physiologixpt, I cannot help you with your shattered tables, but I can help you with your extensor carpi radialis brevis (the muscle likely responsible for all of this pain).

Machines You Should Try: Glute-Ham Developer

Machines You Should Try: Glute-Ham Developer

This machine is a Godsend, for real. The horizontal positioning of the glute-ham developer (GHD) provides a greater moment arm (or bigger LEVER) of the torso on the hips when in full extension as compared to the more often seen 45 degree back extension. This basically means that at the top of the lift, with the greatest contraction, you are at the greatest mechanical DISadvantage being completely perpendicular to the line of gravity. This gives you the hardest possible workout for your glutes that you can ask for.

The Dreaded Lower Neck Hump - Dowager’s Hump

The Dreaded Lower Neck Hump - Dowager’s Hump

The cervico-thoracic junction is where the top of the thoracic spine (T1) and the bottom of the cervical spine (C7) come into contact with one another. This articulation point contains both of the previously mentioned vertebrae’s large spinous processes that jut out. With years of “poor” posture, sometimes people will develop fatty and tissue deposits in the region as a way to counteract the forces of a forward head creating that unsightly camel hump that many will try to get rid of via invasive surgery or injection.

Exercises You Should Start Doing Now: The Deep Bodyweight Squat


It has been eight days now. Eight days of immense pressure buildup. He could feel it within him, almost coiling up like a snake, waiting to make its explosive lunge into the waters below. He got so sick of carrying it with him. "Devil be GONE!" He screamed as he pulled his trousers down and sat on the porcelain throne. After mustering up all of the intra-abdominal pressure he could, with a mighty push he gave it his all...

...but alas, NOTHING. 

Bulletproof Your Shoulders

Bulletproof Your Shoulders

Strengthening external rotation is a great shogun style prehab technique anyone can use to ensure a balanced shoulder joint that is ready for heavy pushing. ​​​​​​​​

Stick A Fork In It: Why Self Myofascial Release May Not Be Enough and How the Fitness Industry Lies to You

Stick A Fork In It: Why Self Myofascial Release May Not Be Enough and How the Fitness Industry Lies to You

Everyone on Youtube and their blog wants to give you the cure all. And you can't really blame them either. I mean, what actually sells nowadays? Is it sexy or cool to tell people that a chronic issue may take a multifaceted solution that may incorporate simple and seemingly minor tweaks, eventually progressing onto more complex ones? Solutions that may take months to finally correct?... NAHHHH. It is easier to sell the SOLUTION itself! And that is why self myofascial release or glorified soft tissue massage techniques are so prevalent as the be-all-end-all technique to achieving muscle and joint pain nirvana.